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Event Coverage: 2013 CSCS Round 4

Vagkraft and round four of the Canadain Sport Compact Series unfortunately always seem to fall on the same day which means I have to make the difficult choice between to great events. As I'm sure you already know for 2013 my choice was Vagkraft however I like to run coverage from all the CSCS events so I asked around to see who would be making the voyage to Cayuga.

Event Coverage: 2013 Majestics / Luxurious BBQ

A little over a month ago Toronto chapters of the Majetics and Luxurious lowrider clubs hosted their annual summer BBQ. I had another BBQ earlier in the day so I missed a little bit of the festivities (hop off), but still had enough time to get my annual fix of wires, murals, hydros, and candy paint. It's always such a relaxed vibe at these events and the build quality of the cars is second to none. It's seriously mind blowing the amount of time and dedication that goes into these cars and that's exactly what keeps me going back year after year.

Theme Tuesdays: RIP Jae Bueno

It's no secret that I'm a big fan of lowriders and the lowriding culture and one of the people who documented that best is Jae Bueno. Based in LA Jae had access to the best of the best when it came to lowriding (and everything else automotive) and his work was showcased online via Fatlace, and his own site, and a couple times he even appeared over on The Chronicles.

WTF Friday: Some Things Happen For A Reason

I'm not exactly one to wish ill towards someone's project but in the case of this full size GMC I'd have to say this might have been the best thing to happen to it. In it's most "completed" state this truck --which is some sort of strange combination of a minitruck, lowrider, and donk---wasn't exactly the best, nor safest, looking of vehicles.

Featured Ride: Ruben’s 64 Chevrolet Impala SS

Lowriding is one part of the enthusiast lifestyle that is often incredibly misunderstood. To many, even other enthusiasts, painting intricate designs with copious amounts of flake on the frame and underside of an American classic is as silly as... well, building a car that can hop up and down at the carefully timed flip of a switch. But if you think about it building a show quality lowrider is not unlike building a show quality drift car. Both are meant to be used in a ways a normal car never would and both might as well look damn good while doing it.

Theme Tuesdays: Local-Hero.jp

I've always found the relationship between Japan's automotive scene and the one in North America is pretty interesting. We copy them, they copy us, they copy us copying them, we copy them copying us copying them. It's like a never ending feedback loop that more often than not leads to a lot of cool cars.

WTF Friday: Volkswagen powered…. Fieros?

Growing up the neighbour directly across the way from me bought his daughter a Pontiac Fiero for her fourteenth birthday. The intent was that on her 16 birthday, when she got her license, it would become her first car. Having already filled the garage with an vast motorcycle collection the car sat outside, unmoved, as her sixteenth birthday came and went. At around 18, when the car had faded from a vibrant red to a Pepto Bismal pink, the daughter finally decided to get her license.

Event Coverage: Mega Speed 2013 – Part 3

Sorry for the delay between parts two and part three of the 2013 Mega Speed Coverage it wasn't really intentional, I just got busy getting a few ducks in a row (more on said ducks next week). Today's wrap up coverage has a little bit of everything that you couldn't find in the previous posts.

He did it, he made it, he’s finally famous.

Before Christmas Craig at Rare Snare asked me 10 questions about SEMA, Stance Is Everything, The Toronto scene, car blogs, and music. It took me awhile to get through them but eventually I made good on my word and completed the interview which he put up last week sent the answers by and last week.

A Visit To: Switches N Thangs

A few days after the Majestics/Luxurious BBQ Rob at Performance Improvements asked if I would be interested in shooting some photos of Jeff Forgione's Lincoln at his shop Switches N Thangs for the Autumn issue of Performance In Motion. Jeff's car --which doubles as the Switches N Thangs rolling demo vehicle-- has progressed an incredible amount since I first saw it in the hop pit at the Scrape by the Lake in 2010, so the opportunity to shoot it hopping in a private location wasn't one I was going to turn down.