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WTF Friday: Custom Extremities

I'm pretty lucky to be made aware of a lot of interesting builds via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and today's truck was brought to my attention by long time reader Clint Jolly Green (who has a real last name that's hard to spell). My initial reaction to being tagged in the photo below was 'holy Kansas look at those doors' followed by quite the eyebrow raise when I noticed the rear wheel/tire situation.

Event Coverage: Nextmod Mississauga Grand Opening

Since opening their flagship Markham store in '09 Nextmod has been steadily working hard to become a household name among tuners in Canada. A Montreal store is in the works and their Ottawa location opened mid summer. Exactly one week ago Nextmod opened their third store in Mississauga to an extremely positive reception and large turnout.

Theme Tuesdays: F20 Powered

While writing the feature on Gerrot's awesome turbo LS1 powered s2000 I began to wonder what kind of applications his old F20 could be used for. I'm well aware that the f20 has become pretty commonplace in the ae86 chassis --there are at least four in Toronto alone-- but a bit of Google searching revealed that it's usefulness extends well past the Hachi-Roku. Here are a few examples I've found so far but I know there are more out there so feel free to share a few I may have missed!

WTF Friday: ‘rixtoy’

While browsing one of my favourite threads on s10forum (most hacked shit ever seen)  I stumbled upon this truck that at a first (very quick) glance looked like a cool project but as I scrolled down I was reminded exactly what thread I was browsing through. Bodied, tube framed, swapped, and RHD this truck has all the right ingredients for cool truck but the overall execution leaves just a hair to be desired.

Event Coverage: Importfest 2013 – Pt. 2

Time to jump right back into the second of three Importfest show day coverage photos. Despite the "can't beleive I missed that car" feeling I get after every event I am pretty happy with the coverage this year compared to years previous. I'm finally on my way to figuring out the tricky Metro Toronto Convention Centre lighting. Part 1 ended off with a lot of the cars Nextmod brought out and today's coverage hops from crew to crew before ending off with a few vehicles from Street Outlawz including their insane v10 Nissan s14 project.

Event Coverage: Importfest 2013 – Pt. 1

Now in it's thirteenth year Importfest is a firmly established staple of the Toronto scene and for the second year in a row Stance Is Everything was there via both media coverage and a physical booth. Like last year 201 coverage will be split into three parts with the third dedicated to the awesome group of guys who were part of the Stance Is Everything display at Importfest 2013.

Theme Tuesdays: Midwest Camp N Drag 2013 Favourites

It's been a little while since I've lived vicariously through the lens of someone else for a Theme Tuesday but once Camp N Drag photos started showing up in my news feed over the weekend this week's fate was set. It took a bit but after some searching I managed to find a great variety of photos from Lisa Bryant, 4130 Photography, Upstate DVD and CM Photography.

Guest Coverage: June Jitter Bug 2013

Going to take a quick break from the CSCS Beach Burnout coverage and light up the main stage for June Jitter Bug, a local Volkswagen show that takes place every year at Fireman's Park in Niagara Falls. Like Vanfest June Jitterbug is one of those shows I've wanted attend for a few years but can't swing due to other events or personal commitments. I have however run guest coverage from it before and this years comes from Mark Armstrong a long time reader and local enthusiast.

WTF Friday: Jerky Boy

Throughout an average week I get a lot of messages from people wanting me to plug one thing or another via the various Stance Is Everything social channels. Generally these messages read something like this: "hey I've got this cool photo/fanpage/contest/product could you share it for me? I'm trying to get the name out".

Pour Some Out

Lost a good one yesterday on the way to Truck & Tuner Expo. There's some misinformation and rumours floating around regarding it's demise but the long and short of it is heavy rain, inexperience, and high horse power were involved. Such a shame because I quite liked the car and it was incredibly clean. The colour it was painted always made it an interesting challenge to shoot as well. There's a lot more purple in it than the photos below really illustrate.