A few days ago, while I was watching Noriyaro’s most recent Dagiban video, and it occurred to me that I have not done a van related Theme Tuesday in years. But, not wanting to directly steal from Noriyaro I’m going to go left and focus on Econlines instead of Dodge Vans.
Why Econolines? Well, why not? Early Econlines were designed in an era where it was incredibly common for axles to sit under occupants and the motor between the driver and passenger. This configuration created a unique look common between VW busses, Corvairs, Dodge A-100s and of course the star of today the Ford Econoline.
That drive-line positioning can make lowering thse vans a bit of a mission, but, where there’s a will there’s a way. Thankfully all of these owners found both the will and the way.
This video from Hoonigans breaks down the iconic van extremely well.