I was on vacation last week, and actually ended up pretty busy, which meant that this site was in turn quite stagnant. Because of this I knew I had to come back with a Theme Tuesday of previously uncharted territory, rather than the continuation of a previous, or a recently viewed.
Cube Vans, Delivery Trucks, Ice Cream trucks and the like immediately jumped into my head, probably because I am waiting on parts for Project Why Wait. I decided to roll with the idea because a) it’s one I have not done before and b) there are some damn fine examples of these modified out in the wild, a couple of which I have had the pleasure of seeing myself.
Absolutely love that last bagged Uhaul. I’d kill to see a build thread on that truck. Pretty unique looking.
Any word on the lil shop’s delivery van. Haven’t seen any feed on it in a while.
I would live in that flat black RV/work van if given then chance. I don’t need to see the inside
Rutledge Wood’s delivery would have fit right in!