WTF Friday: It’s a Van Thing You Wouldn’t Understand


Two weeks ago while at Classics In The Square Rob from Performance Improvements suggested I take a close look at two vans parked approximately fifteen feet away from their booth.

From a distance neither van looked particularly noteworthy but he assured me they would be worth the look and he was right because I was instantly blown away at the craftsmanship, attention to detail, and sheer ridiculousness of their interiors.

I’ve seen a few custom vans in my time but never any quite as extensive as these two, which look like they just rolled out of those vehicle preserving air filled bubbles.

The first van (a Dodge I believe) was done up completely dungeon style:

The exterior didn’t hint at the interior looking like this


It almost looks as though the builder bought out a Halloween prop shop
Hide your daughters

If I were to put a mental picture to the person who did the van above I would assume he is someone that dresses in all black, has long black hair, and probably black nail polish.

If I were to put a mental picture to the person who did the van below I would lean towards a heavier set gentleman who enjoys a scotch and a pipe.


There’s literally so much going on here it’s hard to take in at once
Yes, that is a fire place, yes that is a light fixture from the ceiling, and yes that is a mirror over the bed.
And just in case you were wondering yes this van had everything including the kitchen sink

The rest of the Classics In the Square coverage should be up sometime next week, and I promise there are no more vans.

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