By the time I got to the 2014 CSCS season opener the event was well under way and they venue was absolutely packed to the point where all of the cars were essentially lost in a sea of people.
Drake on the other hand camped at the venue and was therefore able to fire off a few photos before things got really hectic, check out his coverage of the show and shine and pits below!
Can’t being to fathom how much it must cost to track this carMarin doing a little work between rounds‘Now see here’s your problem’…No crust
This appears to be one very clean looking Cressida
Had to do a double take on this e30… thought it was my old one for a second
Chicks dig the LS
Show And Shine
John Wakely out in his daily driver instead of the green monsterThis car looks so much cleaner without the roof mounted BMXAnother one of the several local cars I am hoping to take a closer look at this year
This looks like it’s shaping up to be an awesome finished productTeknotik always brings a few awesome cars to CSCS that blur the lines between show car and track car
Whomever decided black on black shiney material for the models attire did not have their best interests in mind. I reckon these girls were literally quite hot
End things off with the Nextmod Mississauga Supra project currently capturing the eyes of damn near everyone on the internet
The next round of CSCS is June 29th at Grand Bend!
For more information, and points standings, on the Canadian Sport Compact Series visit