Theme Tuesdays: Split Wheel Conversions


Yesterday a friend of mine shared a photo of three piece converted factory e30 bottle cap wheels that quite frankly looked damn good.

This was not the first set of wheels I had seen this done too –that honor goes to the ATS Barock wheels later in this post– but it was the first time I had seen it done to a wheel that I previously despised.

To quote the same friend “It’s ridiculous the difference removing a lip and replacing it with a step lip and bolts makes”.

Due to the precision needed to do such conversions there are not a whole lot of these wheels in existence but that’s what makes them pretty unique and interesting.

Below are some of my favorites, oddly enough couldn’t find mounted shots of all of them but perhaps that is where you guys can help out.

Start things off with a set of 13″ Scrirocco wheels that were converted to 15s
On the car they look stellar, you can read the build right here
Like the Teddy Bears the ATS Barock Wheels have had these conversion done a couple of times
One by a company named Striplot that seems to specialize in this sort of thing
I beleive this set came out of France
There have been a few Ronal Teddy Bear conversions… this is one of the best looking ones
I googled “3 piece steel wheels” expecting to find nothing but was pretty surprised when these popped up
These are MK1 oem barebones wheels
A company out of Poland specializes in these sort of things and has a whole lot on their fanpage, big fan of these tear drops
A company out of Poland specializes in these sort of things and has a whole lot on their fanpage, big fan of these tear drops
Can't forget the wheels that started my night of Google searching
Can’t forget the exact set of wheels that started my night of Google searching
Trans Am wheels look great like this, I’d like to see these done also
These Fiero wheels turned out pretty stunning
These Fiero wheels turned out pretty stunning
Great fit on this car as well
OEM e28 M6 boring wheels converted
These wheels are pretty similar to the other set of MKI wheels in this thread and look great with the polished center cap
Going to end things with these set, The name is up in the air (some say Wed G5 others Turbo 138) but either way they look great and didn’t start out like this
You can read a feature on the Pug they are mounted too right here on Raceism


  1. lol @ teddy bear wheels , reminds me of those wheel ads in road and track back in tha day that had those “daisy” wheels as well!! needed that laugh today !!! great post !!

  2. I am really interested in getting my wheels converted to a 3 piece wheel. Could anybody please tell me who does this? Thanks

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