Yesterday a friend of mine shared a photo of three piece converted factory e30 bottle cap wheels that quite frankly looked damn good.
This was not the first set of wheels I had seen this done too –that honor goes to the ATS Barock wheels later in this post– but it was the first time I had seen it done to a wheel that I previously despised.
To quote the same friend “It’s ridiculous the difference removing a lip and replacing it with a step lip and bolts makes”.
Due to the precision needed to do such conversions there are not a whole lot of these wheels in existence but that’s what makes them pretty unique and interesting.
Below are some of my favorites, oddly enough couldn’t find mounted shots of all of them but perhaps that is where you guys can help out.

E28 m5*.. lol
lol @ teddy bear wheels , reminds me of those wheel ads in road and track back in tha day that had those “daisy” wheels as well!! needed that laugh today !!! great post !!
These are all really cool. I’d definitely rock those bottle caps on my Prelude.
The E30 bottle cap wheels look absolutely fantastic.
fking rondal teddy bears of all on earth to me there in the same category as chrome snow flakes (shudder)
I am really interested in getting my wheels converted to a 3 piece wheel. Could anybody please tell me who does this? Thanks
Where you located Larry?
Brisbane Australia. Know anyone that does these around here?
Where can I get a set of these bottle caps for my e30?
Dose any one no where you can get a set done in the uk?