Today’s WTF Friday was originally going to be a Theme Tuesday but after some consideration I thought it might be a little too “far out” for some.
Despite the fact that many of them are some of the most ridiculous looking things on four wheels I’ve always loved show rods from the sixties and seventies. No matter how over the top they still manage to stay (somewhat) grounded in era correct modifications by way of wheel selection, motor, loud pipes/headers, and of course raked stance.

Are show rods a lost art of something that should be forever forgotten? Personally I’ll go with the former.
A great deal of these photos came from Cosmo Lutz on flickr who has a ton of cool vintage stuff on his account should you find yourself with a few spare minutes.
Site Updates
My wife and I have been working to bring some new product to the store so be on the look out for three new shirts (pre order) and one new sticker in the near future.
I recently got a few Ride Low Park Lower shirts made up as well that will be only available through contests so be sure to follow the fanpage and instagram for various contests to win some shirts.
Finally the store will also be restocked within the next week thanks to Rockstar Graphics.
Flashback Friday
Just got word that Luxury Abstract will have a booth at Importfest 2013. Not a whole lot of LA wheels have made their way to Canada so I am really looking forward to seeing what they have to offer in person.
With that in mind here is a throw back to an interview I did with founder Agim Jones in 2011.
Nice write up. This was hot rodding at its finest. And the next person laughed at the guy that builds a themed civic. Oh and about luxury abstract. $1500 a wheel to start. That shit is crazy. I’m better off buying ccw’s or a jdm brand.