Going to finish up the 2013 CSCS Beach Burnout coverage before moving on to what will be an onslaught of coverage from Eurokracy 2013.
Today’s coverage is made up of the photos I took while not on the track or hiding in the shade from the heat.
The proximity of the pits to the show and shine at Grand Bend makes it really easy to cross over from one to the other.

Show & Shine
It’s always nice to see cars you don’t often see out at Grand Bend mixed in with the usual suspects.

See you all at the next round which is July 28th at Mosport! For info on the series and standings check out cscs.ca
That Green Impreza is sick! Do they have a build site? Those photos would be an amazing wallpaper 🙂
Thanks. These guys have great pics of the car.
Our site: http://www.InnovativeTuning.com
Facebook: MikeAtInnovativeTuning
Hey Mike, do you know a Dave Bishop by any chance?
Didn’t see any shots of the 2012 Champion SSFWD Civic that won this event as well as the past were the love boys.
Sorry none really turned out at Grand Bend, but I got this one of you the last round:
On Aug.6th the CSCS let me know that the Ratso Italiano would no longer be competing in the Street Wars class.Thanks for the coverage and interest in the car and maybe we’ll see you at other events.