Things have been heating up since the last post about The Meguiar’s Car Crazy Canada’s Best contest and Meguiar’s Canada recently posted the ten finalists from Winnipeg World Of Wheels.
These ten finalists are now in the running to win a VIP trip for two to the 2013 SEMA Show, and the chance to appear on Car Crazy TV alongside Barry Meguiar.
The selections from Winnipeg include a lot of your more straight forward (yet top quality) muscle fair but also two pretty unique vehicles that I think have a chance of doing pretty well.
I know it’s a little early in the running to be picking favourites but I’m going to go ahead and do it anyway, of the 10 from Winnipeg these are the two I wouldn’t mind seeing a lot more of.
In the very competitive field of ten the both stood out for being unique.

I swear it’s just a coincidence that both of my picks happen to be blue ovals…
If you see a car you like be sure to cast your vote at!
The Winnipeg Press Release is also here should you be looking for additional info.