Posting the AW11 MR2 yesterday, along with a car I saw Sunday night, made me realize that there has never been a Theme Tuesday devoted to riveted on overfenders.
A smooth wide body will always have it’s place, but there is something to be said for the lasting industrial appeal of over fenders. Done right they can often be the modification that really sets a car apart while enabling the use of generously proportioned wheels and tires.
My only problem is deciding whether or not I like them colour matched, unpainted, or contrasting colours.

Colour Matched

1 micra/march 1 yaris/vitz small cars are awesome!
the second pic made me re-think how i feel about yaris’s
What no Minis?
Love that 2-tone 240z, thanks for posting – hadn’t seen it before.
I did a double-take at the Plymouth Duster! Nice variety in this post.
Long time fan of the bolt on color matched flare. I can’t I truly like one style more than the other, with some cars the contrast of non color matched flares looks tough, I guess it all comes down to the direction the car is going and car color, I.e. two tones or matte finish.
@Phil yeah, I like variety.
@Awful, I agree it’s a tough call, execution is paramount.
no GC imprezas with over fenders.
Right.. I owe you a few of those
does anyone know what flares those are on solo’s iS300
@tony I’ll see if I can dig it up