I posted a before and after comparison of this Icelandic 924 turbo on the Fan Page and a few people (somewhat predictably) declared it a Photoshop.
About an hour later I followed up with another photo and still people questioned whether or not the car was real or a manipulation of pixels.
The owner Fannar Þór decided enough was enough and sent in some recent photos proving once and for all that this car is real, and spectacular.

Photo credit goes to Fannar who’s just as handy with a camera as he is a wrench.
More info can also be found in his latest thread on Stance | Works.
Definetly chopped
I dont see why people would say its photoshopped its not even that outrageous lol
Very nice 924. On the background you can see it is not a photoshop but very good build car.
Kids today… Anything they are too lazy to do themselves… Must be photoshopped. GTFO!!!
924’s are near worthless cars…with that said, people should start having at ’em and making them into the cool cars they never were
nice build
THIS CAR IS NOT PHOTOSHOPPED…. I know the owner/maker, the car looks like that in real life.