With my recent obsession with the Japanese American low rider scene I almost forgot about all the awesome native builds in Japan.
Chances are pretty good I may have posted this EF sedan sometime before but even if I did it’s not like it isn’t worth seeing again.
Locally these cars usually have hazy bondo filled rear quarters so the condition of this alone is mind blowing. Never mind the stance.

This car popped up on my radar(somewhat recently) thanks to JDM euro.
you belong in my garage.
so slick !!
so nice.
I haven’t seen a clean EF sedan since… 1990.
thats ef’n clean as fuck hahaha the wheels r some hot fire aswell hahaha pretty much win all the way around and u would think that bending ur license plate would get u pulled over ahahah its not really visible but it is pretty radical. i couldnt do it but im kindof a cop magnet hahaha
japan does it right