There is a build thread I am reading on Stance|Works (one of the better threads of late) that talks about unorthodox tanks for air ride setups.
The original posters plan was to run a multiple piece rectangular tank stack and there has been a lot of helpful (key word) discussion about how he should go about doing so safely.
Many mentioning the importance of pressure testing the tanks to avoid blow outs like this.
The following is a set of chrome tanks that blew up after a week or so of 200psi.

I found these photos over on where there has been quite a bit of discussion regarding chrome tanks.
Imagine this happened while the guy was driving or working on the car? Air ride is serious business.
This is the tank setup the original posted settled on after testing the setup which he says won’t see over 150psi.

And this just might be one of the best looking tank setups I have ever seen.

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Flashback Friday
Next ride Subaru (GRB STI is what I want) or A3 (2.0t)? I can’t call it.
Still love this.

Less than a week before Christmas… doubtful an A3 will show up under the tree.
that copper extinguisher/tank is awsome and the maching hard lines are awsome
I’ve had a tire blow out on the truck (they’re inflated to 100 PSI) and that is pretty damn loud. I can’t imagine what 200 PSI sounds like!
I dont know if this quite qualifies but its was a similar tank accident with an acetylene bottle inside an FJ cruiser.
@Cody holy crap… crazy he survived that.
@Chris was it a U to go in a spare well?
from experience , air tank are round for a reason!!!, anything else may “hold” air but it will not last!! I was took part in building a ‘U” shaped tank , and yes it held air but, damn, did it change shape !! looked like a 3D bubble letter ‘U”. shortly there after ….lol
that copper tank is an old fire extingisher.
Those square tanks are sick! In the mini truckin world though alot of people make their frames the air tank. So technically square tubing has been done for a while, but that set up is definetly very cool!
@DaveT how can i contact you
@christian13212 [email protected]