Last week I tried something a little different for WTF Friday but this week I am going back to a tried and true formula: A wild car with a crazy power plant.
Or in this case a wild car with TWO crazy power plants between the frame rails.
UK based Fast Car Magazine recently did a feature on this car and since I follow them on twitter it popped up in my feed and immediately blew me away.
I’ve posted a couple twin mill (and twin supercharged) cars before but I think this one takes the cake as the two supercharged v8s in this Ford T-Bucket not only look imposing the make a combined 1007 horsepower.
The builder Gordon Tronson is pretty interesting too, he moved from New Zealand to Canada and began building Lamborghini replicas (sound familiar?) until he got slapped with a lawsuit in 1990. Not wanting to stop building cool cars he moved again and started up a tele-com business to fund crazy creations just like this.
This man knows how to get his priorities in order.

The full feature of this crazy car can be found on
The car also has a page all to itself here.
Site Updates
The latest batch of vinyl arrived from Seche Media which means that the store is restocked with the new script stickers and the white and pink I like em dropped stickers are back in stock as well.
The first 10 orders or the script stickers get a little bonus sticker from Seche Media as well.

This weekend I hope to get out and do a photo shoot and hit up a charity BBQ but I hit a bit of a bump in the road (literally) with my car that might throw all of that out the window, Sucks to roll hard. I’m still rolling.

Flashback Friday
Not sure why the car above reminded me of this ‘GTI RS’ but it did so if you didn’t see this car the first time I posted it take a look.

id love to know egsactly how much torque this random thing puts out and id say yes to the visual distraction LOL
Biggest blower pulleys ever! Must be a fun ride anyways.
Thanks for posting this. Wasn’t aware of the U.K. mag coverage. I love Gordon’s “Double Trouble” and had the opportunity to chat with him about it late last year and did a little story about it on my blog at . To me, it’s the epitome of hot rodding: getting an inspired idea, taking on a challenge and creating something that’s totally unique. It was nice reading your post on this.
John thanks for posting that link the build pictures are super cool I love to see stuff like that.
If you have any other crazy T buckets kicking around feel free to send them by