Last Saturday my girlfriend and I headed out to Dorchester Ontario for some Thanksgiving festivities and while there we attended the annual fair. This year the fairs main attractions were a freestyle motocross demo and a demolition derby.
I am posting the coverage today because a) it doesn’t really fit anywhere else and b) Dorchester residents who had never seen FMX before could be heard uttering WTF when the two riders putting on the demo took to the sky.
This is the first time I have attended a derby that wasn’t at a Monster truck event and I can certainly see the appeal of them from both a spectator and participant stand point.

It pains me to admit I am ‘one of those guys’ but I really want to see an FMX flip in person and so far it has not happened, I won’t go as far to be that jackass in the crowd that yells do a back flip but hopefully it happens soon.
Both of these riders were pretty good at what the did so I really wish the announcer just let them ride openly more than tell them what to do.

Site Updates
Got a new readers ride that I shot last weekend which should be going up Monday (provided I have time to edit the photos), and Sunday, weather permitting (and after my girlfriend runs a half marathon), I am going to swing by the SQUEAKY CLEAN Specialty Meet/Show @JRP.
Flashback Friday
I was reading a Taurus wagon build thread that reminded me of this Bonneville I posted last December which is still the best looking Bonneville I have ever seen.

The owner and I emailed back and forth a few times so I’ll see if I can get an update on this car.
Should have come out to the Rockton worlds fair. Three nights of derby’s, three heats, consolation round, thrill shows canada show and then the final heat. All three nights. Great fun
Hell yeah, demo derby!
mad props from indiana
Ehh. It didn’t get interesting untill they posted the s2k and Bonneville. Derbys are nothing us stance or motorsports guys are into. I’d rather see videos of beat up sleepers. Please come harder next time.
^ Just doin’ something a little different.
Oh and that’s what she said.
hahaha i loved the post nice job Dave. Now we gotta start a hella slammed derby… not to crash into each other but to see who can get over speed bumps curbs and train tracks the fastest with out bustin shit up
^ lol
I haven’t seen a good derby in a long time. I have yet to see a backflip in person too but to me anything those guys do is crazy.
Mike what part of Indiana you from? I’m from Muncie.