I have been a member of the Maxbimmer forums since 2002 (god damn) and still check it fairly consistently so I like to think I have a good idea of the cars and builds on that forum and more so those I like and those that I don’t.
Recently the influx new cars of new cars slowed down considerably so I was quite surprised when seemingly out of nowhere the owner this 87 Carrera put up a few photos stating: I know its not eveyone’s taste but to each their own.
Huh? I can’t really think of too many people that wouldn’t like this car. Well deserving of the magazine feature he also mentions in the post.

Photo Credit: KSP Productions
This by far, my most favourite car you have posted on this site! I would trade my left nut for this car. This is my dream car!!!!!!
Background Change Achievement: UNLOCKED!
Oh my god… I made sure i read your post before i scrolled down to the photos because i knew it was going to be hot… lol
full size pics? i need this for a desktop at work!!!
nice post dave, my dream as well
Uhhh…. good thing I’m sitting down…
Jesus christ man that’s… Stunning. Never been a fan or porsches but this one of the best looking ones I’ve ever seen!
Wow. 8[]
awesome pics