All I can say is wow, the amount of ideas that came in from this giveaway was incredible. You all put forth a number of great realistic ideas which could easily be made into reality.
If your idea does become reality I will make sure you get a few from the first run for birthing the idea want your idea to become reality today contact SecheMedia as he can do custom orders.
However onto the matter at hand. The people getting free stickers today ,chosen randomly out of the 66, entrants are…
Sariahbaby, Alex, Chester, and Tanner. Congratulations! Check your email today so I know where to ship the goods.
If you were wondering here are a few of my personal favorites that I am going to suggest move into design then production:
- Daily Driven, Weekend Raced
- Quit starin @ my rack (:
- Whines more than my wife. (supercharger logo)
- Low ‘n’ Go
- too low to tow
- I like em toppless.
- ” NICE PASS ” — THE P – Would be black and everything else would be white .. so it would read NICE ASS unless close.
There were quite a few other great ideas that could come later down the line as well. A few I have to see if other brands/sites have copyright claims over.
Didn’t win? That’s ok because if you are fast you could win your choice of sticker from the store and a surprise sticker if you can identify (with proof) what these cars below are:

First two to guess correctly win!
Site Updates
The Facebook fan page has over 3000 likes now which is pretty damn cool to me.
This week I’m checking out my auto teachers Diablo kit car build in person and I will be bringing my camera and so will my girlfriend so we should have an in depth look at that coming up shortly. Additionally I should have some photos and maybe a feature on a fairly unique slammed ride up on Monday.
Quick car update on my end, my car is going back to the body shop in the next two weeks to address some warranty work that wasn’t done correctly last year (side skirt misalignment, peeling clear) and I am going to follow up with on Monday and check up on the status of my wheels.
I’m still aiming for the first Stretch And Poke meet to have everything dialed, but there is a decent chance it will be done a couple weeks before then.
Flashback Friday
I’ve totally been dropping the ball on Random Dopeness and Sunday Swagger posts so with this weekend being a long one I might try and get one up this Sunday.
Here is a look back at the first Random Dopeness I did.

Happy Easter.
First one is a Toyota Sports 800 and the second one is some early model aircooled, can’t tell. 🙂
the second car is A Renault Dauphine
top is a 1966(ish) Toyota Sports 800
1. Toyota Sports 800
2. Renault Dauphine
^ Nice job guys, a high five to those that can name the car on the left of the S800…
I’m going to go out on a limb, looks like a notchback to me (type 3)
Nope, here’s a hint, it partially influenced the S800.
Toyota Publica?
High five to you sir.
YES! not seeing the front through me off a little. but that rear pop out window had me thinking.
nice one dakota
joe@ you rejoyce way to much in this lol
dave@ nice douphine i wish people would keepem 3 stud tho 🙁
Wow, a contest within a contest for high 5s lol.
Artie and Dakota you will have mail in just a second.
Front of the Renault
Do we get a free copy of our own sticker if its taken to print =P
high fives all round lol
Ya if your idea is made you get a copy 🙂
“front of the renault” was that a question? split oval beetle with an empi stinger
Topless only has one P. “Go Topless” is my personal motto!
Good catch lol.