Putting together Theme Tuesday posts is a guaranteed way to assassinate any other plans I have in an evening. I had every intention last night to finish of this Accord post and get to playing PS3 quickly until I ended up learning you can lower K cars with stock first gen Neon parts, and that MKII big bumpers fit on Dodge Ominis.
How did that all happen? I dunno, the internet is a time monster.
Anyway here is the Accord post I was working on before I got sidetracked.

like “the silver one” and of cosre british touring car love
dude if you do a btcc theme tuesday make sure you get the royalty in there
Accord 4 is fantastic. I’m really digging that one. like, a lot.
#10 is looking gorgeous.
#17 is a great shot.
Man, my ’92 coupe was a horror story… I never even considered making it look good, in fact I never even bothered to maintain or repair it. The only thing I ever did on it was an oil change and rear brake shoes in two years! Pretty reliable nonetheless!
all of them look good
6th Gen Accords FTW!v6p.net all day
[…] accord only article a while back (march'11) including many 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th gens from v6p…. Theme Tuesday: Honda Accords Part II – Stance Is Everything – It's all about how it sits people i can easily identify right off the bat… Keith Kevin Bill Me Neil Bpearl… White 5th gen […]
CB9 is dope!
Nice photos….some of those Accords can be seen at the largest Accord meet. Checj out Caliaccordmeet.com fir pictures from our last event
CD5 all da!y