Winter is starting to get a little tiresome. At the end of last week we were teased with fairly mild weather but at a cost because it was just incredibly windy for two days straight. Then just as a remind that spring doesn’t start ‘officially’ until March 21st we got a decent amount of snow on Sunday night and the weather has turned back to double digits below zero.
I guess looking on the bright side we all have at least 1 month left (unless you are in Performance World or sunnier climates) to get all of our ducks in a row for the 2011 season.
Winter sticking around also means I can keep posting low cars in the snow like this Lupo on Schmidt TH lines.

cool. but does it have room for brakes with those wheels?
I would think so Will…those things are tiny and if i remember correctly, the brakes are too. Still cool though 😛
What kinda car is that .. Fiat ?
K I found my answer.. my apologies. Volkswagon Lupo. I should have read the tags. I Salute myself to my stupidity
LOL I wanna know the tire specs. Like 165/45/15? Insane.
15s? They look like 10s.
Found specs:
Schmidt TH-Line 14×8.5 ET22 front, 14×9.5 ET24 back
Continental ContiSportContact 195/40/14
Are Lupo’s front discs and rear drums? Either way, I’d love a MK1 polo in the US.
Would make sense if it were disc/drums but I really don’t know much about Lupos at all.
it has 4 discs. It’s a GTi model. The wheels look extra tiny on that pic. Looks better here but the pic is older and car doesn’t sit as low as it does on these winter pics:
Wooh! It is a cool car. I haven’t seen a Lupos yet and there’s no winter here that’s why this car looks weird to me.