On the heels of last weeks slightly unorthodox Theme Tuesday I decided to go with something a little more standard this week.
With the Evo IXs slowly starting to trickle onto Canadian streets, and the new Dodge Charger looking oddly Evo X inspired I’ve had these cars on the brain a little bit more than usual lately, which worked well as I had a decent number of them saved on my hard drive as well.
This is actually the second time I have done the evo/lancer platform but I think I manged to pull it off without any major repeats.

[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by johnny ip, StanceIsEverything. StanceIsEverything said: Another round of EVO's http://fb.me/VPRiJ1j3 […]
Ah man! Like I needed ANY encouragement to look for cars I can’t afford to buy or run!
Awesome collection of pics all the same thou!
Keep up the outstanding work!
I’d work 100 hours a week for an Evo X like the first white one… Then quit and drive it all day lol
Lol Don’t worry Stix I can’t afford one either 🙂
Teodor sounds like a plan!
You remember what I told you a couple months ago. It’s coming out just for you Dave, a nice feature, just for you.
that hiper max evo look sick i want it i want it i want it
Sam I forgot actually. Now I remember though. Oh yes.
japan makes things look so angry…. lol
im sorry i take that comment back… mazda 3 smile fail….
thanks Dave for posting my car on your site again.
Im probably gonna let you guys down for who are expecting a new look of my evo IX this season:
I drove to a carwash to get my car shined couple of days ago, and then I suddenly realized that was not a touchless carwash while I’m already on the roller. So basically the machine ripped my roof rack apart, which I later found out the door frames are bent and all the passenger side body work has been damaged.
I guess it’s time to get a repaint for a fresh look this summer. xD
I love evos so much, the new paint job on the HKS hiperMax is sexx