I could use this title a thousand times over for cars I post here on a regular bases but I think it suits this Benzo to a tee.
While I wasn’t able to find the original source of these photos or a mods list with exact specs, but I don’t really need either to appreciate what’s been done here.
This car looks absolutely fantastic.

If anyone has more info on this I would love to know it, working with nothing here 🙂
Update: Got some info from a friend of the owner who commented with the following:
Mods include a Wald front lip, Lorinser front fenders, a Carlsson rear lip, AMG exhaust tips, rear quarters pulled, SL style front grill, Renntech lowering module, lowering links, and the wheels are D2Forged VS7 20×9.5 and 20×10.5
Again, such a nice car.
Photo Credit: Dan Walker
amazing. slammed benz FTW
Dave, this is a fellow Liberty VIP member. His Nickname is Fat Mike. I’m looking up wheel specs now 😉
They are 20×9.5 +24 and 10.5+19. I can email you a mod list if you’d like.
P.S. photo credits go to Dan Walker please.
This is my buddy’s car, it’s on 04 CL500. Mods include a Wald front lip, Lorinser front fenders, a Carlsson rear lip, AMG exhaust tips, rear quarters pulled, SL style front grill, Renntech lowering module, lowering links, and the wheels are D2Forged VS7 20×9.5 and 20×10.5.
It’s an amazing machine.
While you may not need a source to appreciate the photos, you do need a source and permission to use the photos, neither of which you have. How do I know this? Because I took them, and noone from this website ever contacted me about using these photos. Apparently no-one knows photo copyright laws huh?
Dan, I’ve sent you an email, I meant no disrespect.
Recieved and replied Dave. Thanks for the quick response.
Dan may know copyright laws but he don’t know grammar. “Noone” = not a word, try nobody, or no one(two words).
And lighten up promotion is promotion. Dave always gives credit where credit is due. Like he said in the original post description, He didn’t know the source but thought enough to post them here. Why don’t you put a watermark on your stuff if it’s going to be posted to the internet? That would make things a lot easier to give credit, and find the original source. Wherever Dave found this obviously posted it without your info or credit as well. Just a suggestion from a fellow photographer/graphic designer who knows copyright laws, and who watermarks everything that is displayed on the internet, even whats posted to my personal site.
Oh dear god, I missed a space. Crucify me.
And as I explained to Dave, I apologize for coming off a bit harsh in my original comment. This is the 3rd or 4th time these have popped up somewhere that I’ve seen and didn’t get credit for, and I was frustrated. As I told Dave, it’s my own fault because this was before I started to use watermarks and before my Flickr was private. There are now watermarked versions of these shots, but it was too late. Also, I didn’t really read the article before I posted my comment, so I didn’t see where Dave said he couldnt find anything. My mistake. Dave and I talked it over and its all good now, so carry on.
Those cars are actually not that expensive nowadays, people are having a hell of a time selling them.
Oh sweet baby Jesus that is seductive at the very least. Tittle, spot on.
Dan, sorry to hear about the mayhem. Take it as a compliment though. Both the car and the photos are sick. If anything post up a link so we can see some more of your work my man.
Truly fantastic job by eveyrone involved.
Another Liberty VIP Crew member doin it right! Love this thing Mike! Dan nice pics as always
What is meant by pulled rear quarters? Are they pulled out to let the car sit down over the tires?
That’s pretty much it Brian