One ‘drawback’ to compiling the Classy Car Model Theme Tuesdays is that I often end up coming across lots of photos of women with cars that are the standard fare, you know, the scantily clad woman with a nice car type of photo.
All of the photos in today’s post were chosen because of the car in the photo, the woman in the photo, or the photography, I’ll leave it to you guys to speculate in the comments what was the determining factor in each. Sorry in advance ladies, also this one may be NSFW.

I love this edition of Theme Tuesdays: Women and Cars!!! All winners!!!! Well ecept the girl in the mini skirt with boot and gloves and GTI…kinda weirded me out LMAO
I agree ^^^ lol
I want part 2…
DAMN… i could use a girl like that to carry my tires around at the track…
hmmm its a while since ive seen a lool late modle supra and hay dave my model to go on the bonnet of my mini is hotter all i need now is the mini lol
Ollie you might have to prove that 😉
with mini skirt lol
if my pit crew was like the girl in the last photo i would be aiming for long pit stops…
do like do like!