Question: What’s small, nimble, a little bigger than a go kart, loved the world over, and can run on motors borrowed from two wheel vehicles as well as four wheel vehicles? Classic Mini’s of course!
I don’t post a whole lot of Mini’s around here so a Mini Theme Tuesday has been long over due. However, before I get to posting more of the current generation I’ve got to give a head nod to the ones that started it all.
A little rough around the edges but it's got potential.CF flares 🙂This Mini is a little larger than the mostAnd it holds many secretsLike being AWD for example.This one is b16 powered awd, and looks like it means businessMost flip up front ends I have seen flip down, this is way much more practicalMini's have some of the best looking fender flaresI had no idea Mini trucks were around, until I was brought up to speed by OllieOut for a bootI wonder if mini's can actually run go kart tires, it looks like the almost could lolAnother b16 beast with great stanceHonda powered Wolseley HornetAnother truck convert, this time Honda poweredPart of me wants to see one of these Mini trucks laying sparksThe other part of me enjoys them as they areBuilt for one purpose.......Going FAST
This weeks Theme Tuesday was powered by Ollie and his vast photo collection and sizable Mini knowledge.
Thanks to him if I ever come into lots of money a Honda powered Mini will be in my stable along with lots of other hybrid cars…
your welcome joe we’v been sending each other pics for weeks with enough content to do 4 theme tuesdays lol but this is a wicked edit that sports pack at the top is how thay all started life (or worse) good idea dave, so whats next? ;D
[…] nothing new just something to look at… GA_googleFillSlot("S10forum_com_300x250_Postbit_AUTO_Forum"); Just thought you guys might enjoy the mini pickups on the bottom half of the page.…classic-minis/ […]
not being a purist, love the b16 powered minis. it’s just the perfect engine swap. a small revvy bulletproof engine with loads of mods available. (ok, maybe i’m a bit biased since i run one daily)
While they are easily confused, the car you have labeled as a Wolseley Hornet is in fact a Riley Elf. The Wolseley would have a Wolseley Badge in the Grille, whereas the Riley, well you get the idea.
Wow, giant thanks to both Dave and Ollie. All of these mini’s are fantastic.
your welcome joe we’v been sending each other pics for weeks with enough content to do 4 theme tuesdays lol but this is a wicked edit that sports pack at the top is how thay all started life (or worse) good idea dave, so whats next? ;D
You didn’t post the best classic Mini of all: Mr. Bean’s!!!!!!
LOL…great Theme Tuesday…such great quality Minis 🙂
Minis honda powered?!?! That’s a disgrace to them.. minis are too classy
[…] nothing new just something to look at… GA_googleFillSlot("S10forum_com_300x250_Postbit_AUTO_Forum"); Just thought you guys might enjoy the mini pickups on the bottom half of the page.…classic-minis/ […]
Is it just me or is that AWD mini missing rear drive shafts? Doesn’t make it any less awesome thou!
not being a purist, love the b16 powered minis. it’s just the perfect engine swap. a small revvy bulletproof engine with loads of mods available. (ok, maybe i’m a bit biased since i run one daily)
Driver’s name is Death! Foreboding…
Hey, I was wondering if anyone has more photos of teh green car at the very end? Along with some specs…
While they are easily confused, the car you have labeled as a Wolseley Hornet is in fact a Riley Elf. The Wolseley would have a Wolseley Badge in the Grille, whereas the Riley, well you get the idea.