Rally cross looks like fun, I should figure out a way to get out to one probably the only time I will see an MR2 do this.
Short post is short.

Back later with more from the Toyota flag.
Photo Credit: Kyle Tomita
Rally cross looks like fun, I should figure out a way to get out to one probably the only time I will see an MR2 do this.
Short post is short.
Back later with more from the Toyota flag.
Photo Credit: Kyle Tomita
rally cross cars from back in the day (coswarth audi quatro ect ) are the fastest cars ive ever seen
My friend also drives a red mr2 at rallycross. He took first place in stock rwd class.
[…] a photo I took of an mr2 at rallycross on another users blog, here. And here is that […]
Ollie: They were actually a class called Group B.
You should definitely look into it. So awesome 😀
They weren’t anywhere near as restricted as they
are these days and you had your rear wheel drives
like your Lancia Delta and Stratos, the Renault
R5 was a big one, the Pugeot 205 they were big
hitters until Audi rolled out it’s AWD Quattro.
After that nothing could touch them. They assumed
that the AWD would slow it down, but they turned
out to be something like 8 seconds faster the first
race it was in.