After doing the last, super successful, reader appreciation contest I said that anytime I am fortunate enough to have stuff to give away I was going to do it, and guess what I have more free stuff so here is another contest!
The fine folks at Shell have given me the opportunity to give away $50 of Shell V-Power® gasoline to one lucky winner. Additionally if $50 of free gas isn’t enough to feed your ground scraper, a years supply of shell gasoline is available to win via the Shell V-Power® “Fuel My Passion” contest.
To win $50 worth of free Shell V-Power® gas and a set of Stance Is Everything stickers all you have to do is leave a comment explaining what you would do with $50 worth of free gas.
The winner will be chosen by random draw and announced in his weeks WTF Friday (entry closes 11:00am October 22nd 2010).
Get creative with your answers because while the gas prize winner will be chosen randomly the answer that makes me laugh the hardest will receive a set of Stance Is Everything stickers, a Sweetie Girl Racing Chaser sticker, and an I hate speed bumps sticker.

There is a limit of one entry per email and this contest is only open to Canadian residents.
To win a years supply of Shell V-Power® gas along with the chance to win other great daily prizes simply head over to and enter the Shell V-Power® “Fuel My Passion” contest by submitting a picture of you next to your ride giving the “V” sign (example below).
Sports cars, luxury cars, motorcycles, boats, RVs or other rides are all welcome and the Shell V-Power® “Fuel My Passion” contest runs until Nov 8th 2010.

Good luck!
I will use the gas to set fire to the next WTF Friday car!.
I will use the $50 get one last ride in before i store the car for the cold and salty months..
id use the 50 dollars of gas to finish off my summer tires as im getting ready for winter mode and will be getting new rubber next summer!!!!!
V – power gas, ricers nitrous..
I’d top off my little GTI and drive to work for the next week…….Or I could go down to Rockingham drag way and burn that gas on down while I work on my 1/4 mile times. Or I could just go down High Point Rd. and show some Mustangs WTF is up. I hate Mustangs……. I think I’ll go with option C.
Fill the Soarer with gas and probably attend my first drift day..haha, its free gas after all.
$50 worth of gas will get my broke ass to Shannonville on the 31st for the last Drift-Ops and will last me half a day. After going drifting in the Silvia for the first time couple weeks ago, I can’t get enough. Peep the video on my site. WANT MOAR!!
i’ll use it to drive to toronto from oakville in rushhour traffic just to sit in a freaking cubicle all day on the phone and get screamed at by people who have nothing else to do. I’ll do this for 10 hours. Then i’ll sit in traffic again for 2 hours to get home in time to go to sleep because it all starts again the next morning. but $50 will get me to and from hell for 5 days
basically, a live version of office space………
Need gas money to pick up the stickers.
$50 worth of gas will get me through a weekend in my 03 Cobra convertible. If the weather is sunny enough, I’ll pile in the girlfriend and kids, we’ll go for a drive, then I’ll spend the $50 that I saved on cough drops and cold medicine for them because they weren’t dressed warm enough. If there’s any left over, I’ll do it all again!
$50 in gas will keep me from having to go back to the sperm bank for cash.
I will take my V-Power and find the junkiest cars in all of toronto, and will put a little gas in each tank, in the hopes that I am helping someone who can’t afford to buy gas to drive their poor children to school.
$50 bucks? Hmm..that would pay for my commute to college for about a month haha.
#50 of gas you say? coincidentally that’s what it takes to fill the tank of a mk3 vw.
Id drive down to woodbridge, go to the petro canada on weston and hwy7, wait for say a mid 20’s to 30’s female, driving say a landrover, or maybe a new 335 ci hardtop in white ofcourse, or maybe if i do it on a sunny day ill find a fine young lady taking out her daddys maserati, ANYWAYS,
on to the $50, i would present myself as respectfully as i could, albeti the loud, low and obnoxious black mk3 behind me with NO FAT CHICKS sticker on it. Id try to seem normal and present her with the gift of $50 of gas. I would even pump it for her just to see her smile 😉
edit: if anyone tries this dont pick a girl with an x5 or an escalade youll barely knock out 1/2 a tank on those with $50
With $50 worth of free gas I can skip gas this weekend and get an oil change — SYNTHETIC PLEASE!
ill capture a 10minutes burnout on video for stanceiseverything.
$50 will get me gas to get to school, in which I can get attain an education, make money, and sustain a lifestyle which doesn’t involve me living on the streets. If I don’t revieve the gas money, and end up on the streets I’ll probably become a crack/cocaine user to pass the time during those long, cold, winter, Toronto nights. In turn I will probably contract HIV which would most likely kill me. If that doesn’t kill me the HIV or AIDs from trickin’ will finish me off.
So essentially if you give me gas money you’re saving my life. Or I could buy engine mounts for my car with the money I save.
i would fill up the a4 and head to ride some skateparks.
i will use the 50 bucks to light a buddest monk on fire in protest of high gas prices, or i will fill up my bike for the rest of the season. your choice.
find some twisties, maybe forks of the credit, possibly the georgian bay run, either way disregard the redline until the valves dance on the hood, then you know it’s time to change.
Ahh yes, Dewar will be using his fine 50$ worth of Shell gasoline to combust in his ballin’ V6 engine, all over this bitch. that is all.
i’d use the $50 dollars gas to visit Canada and realize that $50 worth gas isn’t enough and then drive back home =/ lol but i just read that this contest is only to Canadian residents =[
this waiting is killing me
Announcement soon!
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