Here is part two of the 2010 Importfest Coverage including some of the rides from the Division R, Sic Ryde and Nextmod teams along with the winner of the ‘Baddest Stance‘ category which I helped judge. Additionally there are some awards ceremony shots and a couple girls.
Off the top I would just like to thank Basit, Neil, Dave and the rest of the judges/organizers who put the show on for having me out to cover the event and letting me be a small part of it.
Congratulations on a great 10 year anniversary guys.
Division R
Sam’s team had a good showing at Importfest this year, expect this team to keep getting stronger, and stronger as time goes by.

Sic Ryde
Sic put in a lot of work for this years Importfest, his teams area was well put together and they won a number of awards.
It was great to hear the Sic Ryde name called again, and again, during the awards because like all of the teams posted today he put in a lot of work in the weeks leading up to the show.

Peter came to Importfest this year with an astounding 30 cars, 8 of which he personally did the vinyl on. Like Sic Ryde his team took home a number of awards at the show.
The caliber of cars Peter brought to the show now as a number of people scrambling to be a part of his team for next years Importfest.
I’m fairly certain I will be doing rim shopping at Nextmod this off season so next year who knows…

Quite a few people I know personally, or have met this year took home awards. I was back stage for this part of the show so my girlfriend was kind enough to take pictures.

Baddest Stance
As I mentioned way back in July one of the new classes this year to Importfest was BaddestStance and Basit, the organizer, was nice enough to extend his hand and let me have some involvement.
My role was simple enough, let the lead judge know who I thought had the Baddest Stance and as long as there was a consensus among all the judges this person took home the award.
Additionally I was also given the opportunity to personally hand off the award to the winner.
The 2010 ‘Baddest Stance’ Award went to Mike from and it was well deserved. His G is the perfect example of how to do stance right.
No one ever sees it and thinks ‘it could be a tad lower’ or ‘the wheels could come out a little bit’ because everything is in perfect harmony.
Just take a look at this stance:

Here are some photos from when I presented the award to Mike.

Thanks once again for everyone at Importfest for having me out and it was a pleasure meeting Mike, Dave, Neil and everyone else I met on Saturday.
Love all the pics…was a great event, even though it took me forever just to get in!
the Division R car is a Jetta, not a Golf
Thanks Joe… one day I swear I will be ok… 😛
nice coverage. that M is to die for
Great pictures! How did I avoid seeing you Dave? Lol
Hey Dave,
It was really nice meeting you at importfest. I’ve always been wondering who the man behind StanceisEverything was. Thanks for all the kind words about the G as well as
Ill be adding StanceIsEverything to the blog Roll!
Thanks for the coverage… and we will be in touch, do some more giveaways. TWO THUMBS UP!!
till then… SIC RYDE – Expect the Unexpected.
i dont understand why one would pslap bently style wheels on a merc just wrong!
Dave how did I miss u again man! Lol… Thanks for taking/posting yet another sick pic of my car
StanceIsEveything FTW!