Division R has been making a lot of moves here on Stance Is Everything lately and today brings another member from their crew, Matt, with his dumped Toyota Matrix.
Spotting a well done Matrix in the GTA is on par with spotting a unicorn, as a lot of them end up in the hands of people who either rice them out or wait for them to die as daily drivers.
Thankfully Matt saved his from both fates and has put his ‘trix to work skimming the top of speed bumps all over the GTA.
Matt’s Tein suspension setup currently puts his cross member at mere 1.437 inches from the floor which means that not very much makes it under his car.

Matt’s car isn’t only good at collecting fleck’s of yellow paint in it’s under carriage however as he has also gone 4/4 in show appearances this year collecting 3 lowest car awards and 1 best Toyota award.

If Matt’s ride height isn’t enough to get your attention as he drives by his very robust sound system setup comprised of Clarion, Infinity, JVC, and Rockford Fosgate equipment most likely will as it’s been verified to hit a very respectable 136.7 DB.

Matt’s looking at building a new motor with the crew at Monkey Wrench Racing in New York in the near future and further expanding his I.CE. setup to include a full fiberglass trunk and game console.
Here are a few pics more of Matt’s ride and for more info be sure to check out his in-depth feature over on The Scraped Crusaders and the poll in which he is involved in where he is trying to attain the undisputed crown of the worlds lowest Matrix.

Additionally Matt sent through this video of him at Drop-tec getting his ride height verified, check it out.
Thanks for sending your info in Matt and good luck with the title.
Haha, not undisputed…..we already have one pic up in the comments, disputing the 4 that are up.
errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm i like your wheels but erm its not even in the same universe (apart from the wheels) as my style
@SC – I meant that he is trying to prove that he has the title not that he has it yet 😉
@Ollie – Same question I ask you all the time… are Matrix’s over there too? You should send me more pics lol
Only one front end pic??
Whoops I knew I forgot something. Updated.
sorry i havent emailed you much im working 13hour days at the moment so its a little tough to find the time between work and my girlfriend as for the matrix im sorry to say im not sure but i think so i have a feeling it may be sorld under a diferent name in europe but will almoast surly be sold in the uk being rhd
Matrix’s are only available in north america….
thanks for the feature dave!
Car looks Excellent ! Another Feature to Division R Hall of fame !
actually matrix’s can be found in many countries, not just north america, sorry bro :O
yes they can be but they were only released in north america as far as i understand… so they are imported to other countries from north america… the closest thing is the toyota voltz in japan which is a toyota branded vibe
oh and puerto rico also has them, and mexico
i’d ditch the ground effects and drop it an inch or two. would be truly LOOOOOW and get rid of some of that wheel gap at the same time. lookin great though EITHER way. top marks to you!
Can I get the rim and tire size on this car please as I thought that you could not put a deep lip rim on a front wheel drive car? I would love to put this combo on my car as I have the exact same color and model Matrix. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks,
Hey, I have a 2009 base model Matrix. Could some share the best way to slam it and have my Matrix last a few more years?
I have been thinking of just cutting the coils? 2 coils would drop how much?
Eric, the wheels were 16×8 with 0 offset. Check out http://www.MatrixOwners.com for all your matrix questions/answers.
Dave, DO NOT cut your springs… you should also check out http://www.MatrixOwners.com for legit options to slam your trix.