I’ve been totally sleeping on posting this event, I swear I need a secretary, anyway Strech & Poke the crew behind Stretch & Poke 1 is putting on another event this Saturday at Humber Bay Park East starting at 10 am.
If the last event was any indication of the caliber of cars that are going to be at this one it is defiantly worth checking out if you are in the area.
Furthermore David at S&P has also hooked up with JDM EGO and Fatlace for this and will have some exclusive stickers.

Unfortunately I won’t be able to attend this event as I’ve got my first media pass ever for Scrape By The Lake.
However I know MR. VIP Aidan Borges is going to be attending/helping and out Chris Hoare over at NotSoStock.com is sure to get his photo on.
I should see about helping out with the next event…
Love the nick name Lol
typo bro, the ad says 1:00pm starting time
Mike they actually did change the start date to 10:00 am but didn’t change the ad.
If you could send in pics that would be awesome.
ps: i can cover this event for you if youd like, and send you the pics
Is it okay for me to attend this event just to cover?
Hey Gordon the guys at S&P are really nice guys and would have no problem with you documenting it.
Yes to clarify to all, the start time is 10:00am. While scoping the lot, it came to my attention that it gets full fast in the early afternoon. Changing the time was to accommodate for that.
And yes, anyone is welcome to cover the event. The more the coverage the better. The stretch & poks scene is growing and the more it is covered the more interest there will be and grow.
To help prevent confusion in the event and saving room, try to keep the main pack of parked cars as stranced so to allow as many spots open for everyone who wants to site off their ride 🙂
Look forward to seeing everyone there 🙂
10am to wa time?
Uncertain…last one lasted upwards of 4hours. This one maybe longer
i got quite a few shots, how do you want me to send them to you? ill put them on photobucket then send you the link. Send me your email when you get a chance!