Another follow up to the ‘Pictures with attitude‘ Theme Tuesday series, these sometimes take a little longer than other themes to come together but they always go over quite well.
I’m also about half way through another Classy car model Theme Tuesday as well so fingers crossed I can have that for you guys next week.

LOVE the 76(i think im right?) corola sweet .that patrol looks like its being born” mud chil” lol and the is soooooo neat shame its missing its dufuser and is that a usdm rabbit bumper ? i wonder if the sticker are clear coated over to stop the pealing or faiding
Love that shot of the Corolla getting angle, I’m also feeling the stickered up Mk1, I previously haven’t really seen the appeal in stickered lips but going the whole hog and doing the lower half of the car? Awesome.
The Corolla is most bad ass.
I wonder if the stickers are clearcoated as well, but I agree that it looks way better than just a sticker-ed lip. I don’t know where people get all the stickers…
Im calling shenanigans on that 2nd pic (the miata)
How can it be shooting fire when the car isn’t even on or have a driver in the car?
photoshoped, i seen a few of these in my time, you can tell by the pixels
really short driver?
Good catch!
any links to info on that stickered mk1?
Yep got a link for you:
Not English though 😉
thanks, looks like the guy’s running a tow hitch as well
Anyone notice the driver’s side mirror on the miata?
Says STONER…lol