Local Toronto rotary driver Mike has had his RX-8 for a little while now and recently decided to raise the RX-8 bar in Toronto by installing a brand new set of 19×8.5 (+38) and 19×10(+36) Work VS-XX rims wrapped in 235/35/19 & 265/30/19 Yokohama S-drive tires.
To keep his car from looking like a 4×4 on his ballin new set of wheels he brought the height down with a set of Tien Flex coilovers.
These two modifications really set off his ride and I can’t imagine how many people see this car and simply drool over these wheels, Mikes got great taste.

hey mike! lookin sooo sexy congratz!! 😀
nice fitment but the wheels are abit to spindly looking for me and i know your under 6ft cos theres now way of fiting in an rx8 with a sun roof (weight at top of car bad bad bad ) as im 6ft7 and i cant even get in one lol
im 6ft 2
when im wrong im wrong and is i was reminded by my father of all people the car i tryed out was a mk1 rx7 i dont know if the head room has been improoved ? im not hateing on your car man thats the thing about moding evey one is diferent and thats what makes it so cool !
rx8 not rx7 lol i hate being dilexic my bad
Mike,buying parts and enhancing the look of a automobile does not change fact that you and your whole existence are worthless.It’s not a talent it’s not an accomplishment,it’s blowing cash on shiny objects ….female trait
God, thanks for stopping by I know you are busy, I don’t moderate my comments aside from spam but if you have an issue with Mike please take it up elsewhere, we are just about cars here
Same applies for you and any one of your metal worshiping brethren faggot DIE!
i will never understand some peoples compulsion for pointlessness
sexxxxy carrrr hot stuffff!!!
i wood love to take a spin in it 😉