Bad title I know, but moving past that, Noah at EKhatch is posting regularly again and has done something pretty interesting with his hood.
He’s brought it down to metal and thrown some WW2 era Rob Schwager graphics on it for this summer.
While a lot of people have done bare metal hoods and let them rust out, Noah is going a different route and doing his best to keep his hood from rusting so that it both pops out and blends in with his silver paint.
It looks pretty killer if you ask me.

You can check out his progress with his hood here on Hatch Life
Personally, I would have bumped down the graphic a little bit but it still looks good, that Benzo is something else!
Ol’ Nasty is looking pretty good, on that hood!
My jaw dropped when I saw this on here Dave lol! The vinyl seemed like a good idea but all it did was trap condensation, it’s getting it’s final coats of clear tomorrow or Monday and is shinier than ever so I’ll get some decent pix here soon. Pulling the vinyl off took some of the paint and gave it a great weathered look. Rob, I was gonna hit you up when it was done and just the way I wanted it and thank you for the great inspiration!
hood looks sick, cant wait to see this in person soon.