When I was working on last weeks e30 touring Theme Tuesday I came across this really nice e30 coupe. These pictures are nowhere near new since I have seen them before (2001 2002 maybe?) but I don’t like this car any less now than I did then.
This e30 just goes to show how far ahead Europe was (and arguably still is) and that nothing is new these days just old stuff done differently.
I’m going to assume these pictures originally came from e30.de but I found them on vortex.
The good thing about european E30’s. They get real e36 M engines swapped into them.
for me i hate sun roofs there just ugly weight and im not a fan of grill difusers ither or the color but its a realy sweet ride
You know I actually didn’t notice the eyebrows, I am not a huge fan of them either normally.
I really wanna hate on it for shaving the door handles, but I just keep looking at it, and I like it this time.