Here is part two of the Performance World coverage, I had meant to post this yesterday but the great weather (18 degrees!) meant that I worked on my car after work as oppose to hiding from the cold.
Today’s coverage is mostly of the import rooms of the show which were really hard to shoot being absurdly dark and cramped for some reason, anyway, here we go.
When reviewing my pictures I was actually surprised that I took so few pictures of random stuff, normally at these shows I take a lot more.
I am however not surprised I didn’t take many model pics. I wasn’t really feelin’ creep mode that day, blame Do You Come With The Car for my change of heart perhaps?

The Infamous Project
Chris Savard put in a lot of hours getting all three of his rides ready for The Infamous Project and the hard work really paid off as all of the cars made it to the show complete and looking great.

Bagged and Juiced
The amount of cars on dynamic suspension this year was actually somewhat low.

BMW & Mini
The BMW turn out at this show was uncharacteristically small. Other than Chris Savards BMW and the e46 below I can only recall seeing one other e36 at the show, I wonder why that was…

TM3/Garage 16 and had a few cars at the show this weekend. I had thought about putting my car in the show with these guys but opted not too due to the amount of detailing I would have had to squeeze in the week before the show and my general level of procrastination. Good to see that these guys are not like me cars looked great.

Don’t quote me on this but I don’t believe that Scions have been officially sold in Canada as of yet, and if the have the appearance of modified ones has been quite scarce.
Performance World had two in attendence, one first gen and a Kicker sponsored (they also sponsored the show) second generation.

There were a few scattered Nissans at the show, here are some of the ones I liked.

Sic Ryde
Performance World was my chance to finally figure out What exactly Fonixx is/was. Keven and I got a chance to chat with the man who is Sic Ryde (literally that’s his name) and he explained to us what it is, kind of, really it’s still building towards it’s final huurah.
Sic says that Fonixx is a philosophy that is going to change the world and Sic Ryde is the person who is bringing Fonixx to the world….
For now it’s still quite the mystery, nice cars though, expect the unexpected.

As usual the Honda numbers at this show were quite impressive, here are a few.

Well that’s all of the coverage I have, hope you enjoyed it and if you missed it part one of the Performance World Coverage is here.
lol yes, when i get my 1st cracked bumper i will be cursing you dont worry 😛
u actually got me into it and im going more flush and more low in the next little while!
That BBK on the pink Civic is bigger than most wheels…. if you drive a scooter.
that austin mini is badass
And that ladies and gents is why Keven is a comedian, rukuses are popular now though…
dunno why, but kinda feeling daytons on a civic, but has to be done just right to look proper, pic doesnt do that looks off for some reason.
Tires flat, that could be it?
Great shots… two thumbs up from SR and FONNIXX….
stay tuned…
add me on FB, and if u dont mind me making an album, with ure pics. … big SHOUT out to
R32 = R35. Typo lol
And the guy running his fingers up the paint might have been W2W detailing on Max. He made an album bashing theinfamousproject a couple days ago. I have no clue why…
That Mini is easily the most badass car in this set, haha, followed closely by that gorgeous Teggy Type-R, the white one…. Not feeling the S, not sure exactly why, and, uh, FWD with the S2k motor, why? 🙁 (Ever seen the black hatch converted to RWD with the S2k’s F-series? Now *that’s* how to do it. ;))
Meg got to it first, but I’ll say it
Meg can take the White ITR, I’ll take the yellow ITR or the gunmetal EK hatch
Flat tire, haha I knew something was off in the pic, brain fart
You did a very good job of behaving yourself, with the exception of the picture of that girl’s nearly naked ass. (Someone should tell her that if she’s going to be wearing a bikini at an auto show, she really should go all out and wear heels, not sneakers.)
that e46…now has a full cage and a few other engine mods. They are from NY – High End Motorsports i believe.
Sam your a fucking idiot. Definitely wasn’t me i wouldn’t have to touch the car to see how fucking shitty the paint/ body work was.