After I got in last night, from shoveling snow at my fathers place, I decided to torture myself and look at coverage from Hella Flush 3.5. I quickly found my self among the Wrong Fitment Crew crowd.
After seeing a while 3 that caught my eye I ended up on SocalMazda.Net, a site dedicated to Mazda’s in Southern California.
I’m pretty sure it doesn’t snow in Cali but SCM had this car posted on their blog anyway. Seeing speed3s in the snow is not uncommon but seeing speed 3s on 18″ SSR’s in the snow is.

So far our winter has still been fairly tame and here is to hoping it stays that way!
The wheels are SSR Vienna Kreis.
Thanks Rob!
I know a lot of people hate on these wheels even among the Euro crowd, but I am a HUGE FAN!
That Speed looks crazy sexy!
I don’t know why anyone would hate on Vienna Kreis. I think they are awesome. I’d I had a wagon, I’d try to flush it on a set of these.
Hey this is my car!
the wheels wont actually see snow/salt those photos were just for test fitment. As soon as it stops snowing here i can set it down and get proper fitment.
Thanks for citing our website! 😀
Biggu: Those wheels look great on the car.