Now I know that some of you looking at this photo are thinking ‘whats so special about a square body s-10 Blazer/Jimmy in the snow?’ Well this isn’t just a square body s-10 Blazer (the best gen) its an honest to goodness GMC Typhoon! While I am sure the modestly rated 280hp/360 ft/lbs of tq factory turbocharged 6 cylinder 4.3L powered Typhoon would be tons of fun in the snow, salty climates these things rust out faster than the electric gauges in standard Jimmy’s will fail.
Even though GM totally wussed out and never built anything quite like the Typhoon (or its s10/Sonoma sibling the Syclone) again these trucks will always go down in history as fast little s.o.b.s that could not only hunt down Corvettes of the same vintage but 300zx’s as well as Ferrari 348ts.
At 30,000 new these things were a steal compared to what else was availible at the time. Now I think they hover at around 12-15k making them an attainable dream car for me and if I ever do own one you can bet it will be lower, faster, and less fuel efficient than it came from the factory.

Until I own one of my own feel free to watch this review from Motor Week review 1992:
Learn to love the Typhoon!
It saddens me how popular SUV’s or SAV’s are these days, with most companies like BMW, Merc, Land Rover etc making performance models (let’s not forget the Trailblazer SS). Yet few realize the Credit that should be given to GM for paving the trend with a car that was well ahead of it’s time.
One day Dave…. one day!
Just start a seperate donation fund for the StanceIsEverything project car! If we get enough, I know a hoist and storage that can be provided at all times to keep this project rolling! Just an idea 😉
Ok, I really don’t like SUV’s, but this GMC Typhoon thing made my jaw drop when I saw it tackle the slalom. I was expecting so much more body roll, but it was pretty stable for an SUV through it all. WOW!
Ahh and the legend of the Typhoon spreads to another new comer soon N/A you will love them. AWD and Turbo whats not to love?
Kev once I don’t have car payments I can start looking for a project 😉 I am hoping for the day I find an old lady who doesn’t know she has a Ty. Probably never happen quite like this but it would be an ideal situation.
Both awesome trucks! But if I had to choose, Cyclone all the way. Something about a turbo pick-up that tickles my fancy.
Wasn’t the hp and tq specs dubbed down on these, much like the Grand Nationals?
Yep it sure was stock ones were known to put down 300hp unmodded
lumbar support…i just flat out laughed. These were great SUV’s, I was always surprised on how much power GM got out of that little turbo v6