In case your hangover didn’t remind you it’s New Years 2010 today and 2009 will always be a memorable year for myself and Stance Is Everything since it’s the year it started. When I first wrote this post on June 14th I wasn’t quite sure what I was starting but with the site is on the verge of cracking 75,000 page views I think I’ve started something some what significant. With that number in mind and the Barret Jackson Auction playing all day on my TV I figure that there is no better time than now to take a look at the most popular content of 2009.
Top Winter Wednesday of 2009
Winter Wednesdays are a relatively new thing here at S.I.E. since winter (thankfully) took it’s time to get started. At only three posts deep I didn’t expect this category to pull out crazy numbers but it seems to be doing fairly well despite it’s infancy. The most popular Winter Wednesday post so far has been the Winter Stretch: Union Style post, it seems that quite a few people had thought of stretching winter tires before and now that Union has done it I foresee more people following.

Top Theme Tuesday post of 2009
I have a lot of fun doing the Theme Tuesday posts and since Tuesdays are typically my highest trafficked day of the week don’t expect this category to die out any time in the near future. Really it’s no surprise that the Girls With Hot Rides post is not only the most viewed Theme Tuesday post but also the most commented post of the year. Guys like cars, and guys like girls, that’s no surprise, what made this post different was that it was focused on the cars the girls drove and not so much the girls themselves.

Top WTF Friday post of 2009
WTF Friday’s are another one of my favorite posts to do since the internet provides no shortage of automotive tomfoolery or off the wall odd ball automobiles worth sharing. Sometimes I have a hard time deciding on exactly what to run and what is too ‘run of the mill’ for a WTF Friday post. Of all the the WTF Fridays I did this year I was a little surprised to see that the WTF Friday featuring street legal bumper cars was the most popular. This post brought in posts from all over the internet including quite a few guitar forums, odd.

Top Article of 2009
I’ve really only written a few things that I would consider ‘articles‘ in this first year so I didn’t expect the numbers for this category to be too high but thanks to some Twitter love from Speed Hunters I’m glad to see that this article on Function Vs Form shot to the top of the most visited article list.

Top Event Coverage post of 2009
Going out and covering events was a great way to spend a lot of this summer, even more so the free events when I was unemployed, the GTA has a lot of high caliber cars of all sorts so being able to document these and pull inspiration from them is a great thing. Importfest was one of the last shows I covered in 2009 and the car that made the Importfest coverage the most popular of all of the events I covered I almost didn’t take a picture of. Thankfully I did and now the ‘Tekken Car‘ is internet famous because of pictures I took. Shouts to kotaku for running this car on their home page.

Top Readers Ride post of 2009
The Readers Rides category is still fairly new with under 10 posts but Adrian and Will promoted their Readers Ride post hard and shot to the top of the list with the most traffic. These guys are always up to something and I can’t wait to see what these guys are up to next.

Top Featured Photographer post of 2009
I’ve only been able to line up a few Featured Photographers this year, but I am hoping to line up quite a few more for 2010. The most viewed photography was the work of my friend and early S.I.E. supporter Jon O. Jon was down to help out from the word go and is working on getting some larger Stance Is Everything stickers done for me as well so I am glad to see that my blog is helping his work get more exposure.

Top Featured Ride of 2009
I would like to thank everyone who gave me the opportunity to feature their car on the site regardless of how many people viewed or commented on your ride I appreciate it more than words can describe. I have been lucky enough to feature a diverse collection of amazing cars this year and it looks like 2010 is going to be more of the same. Stepahines 335i held down the top spot for just narrowly getting beat out by Chris Savard’s featured Lighting which took top honors with a very popular month of December. I’m pretty sure that the Infamous Project is just starting up now as well.

Thanks for hanging on throughout 2009 and hope to have all of you back for the ride in 2010!