The concept of theme Tuesdays here on Stance Is Everything is simple, every Tuesday I pick a theme and post a collection of vehicles with that theme that meet the stance criteria (modified suspension that suit the vehicles intent). This weeks theme Tuesday topic is: 3rd Generation RX-7s
I was watching the original The Fast and The Furious the other day and it reminded me of how hard everyone was jockin’ Supras, Eclipse’s, and RX-7s after that movie. While all of these cars still have a pretty big following I felt the need to show a little rotary love today.

I play to touch on other generation RX’s as we go so look out for those in the future.
I personally love FC’s the most, but FD’s aren’t bad at all. 🙂
Hope ya don’t mind if I throw in the url of my own crappy third gen photo, but it’s my personal favorite:
People who don’t know the guy rag on the car because of the wing, but she’s actually a single-turbo convert and runs fairly well.
Oh, and one more for some extra rotary love. 😉 Another FD3S owner’s garage shelf… He has nearly enough spare parts to build a whole other rotary. He rebuilds his own periodically, and since she’s still twin-turbo’d she doesn’t always like to run quite right.
No FB love? haha