An old BMX friend of mine, turned pro drifter, has been destroying the drift scene lately with his crew Drift Posse and his AE86, made it out to the DMCC finals in Quebec where as far as I can tell via facebook Pat continued to dominate the pack as he has all year and take home the DMCC overall championship.
It’s always great to see old friends doing big things so congratulations Pat for not only taking home the championship but inspiring a whole lot of BMX riders to follow in your foot steps *cough*Brad*cough.

Drift Possee Promo
CYRIOUS PRODUCTIONS – THE POSSE RETURNS from Cyrious Productions on Vimeo.
I hope Pat enjoys this much success next year, he deserves it.
So awesome that he won. He was at the first track day of the year in this car. He was driftng like a madman while everyone else was trying to push their cars. I was car-less at the time so I have a bunch of pics of him ass out. Stating the obvious but this guys got skill.
Lol ya he said he used to get kicked out of auto-x courses for drifting all the time!
Ya, pretty sure they gave him the boot on the track day too but he was awesome. The way he has the suspension dialed that car can’t do anything BUT drift. It sucked that they were giving him shit for doing it. It was the only pics I enjoyed taking…. and I know it’s “played out” but I wish he did his thang in an AE86 hatch 🙁
Thanks for the cool write up dave!
It was an isane year! everything just seemed to come together, I won 3 of the 5 rounds, but missed the overall championship by less than 20 points!
I’m gonna hit em hard next year, and I think I might even lower my car a little bit more……………………Stance is EVERYTHING!!!!
Ah, bummer on missing overall. But I am going to make a point to come out to one of your local events this year and get some shots of you doing your thing.