Minitrucks and lowriders have been around for years but you never really see a lot of them turn up at your average car show. However Scrape By the Lake isn’t your average show. Scrape by the lake is Canada’s premiere low rider show hosted by Rollerz Only CC. Scrape is always a huge event but this years July 19th event is special because its the 10th anniversary.
As the name states Scrape By the Lake is always located near Lake Ontario, this year it is at Prudhommes landing which is a picnic style show, which is rad, since most shows do not encourage you to bring your own BBQ. Last years show had over 50 entrants from lowriders, minitrucks, and sport compacts competing for awards in over 70 classes.
The show also has a hop off and dance competition which is normal for lowrider shows but unheard of for normal car shows. If you are unsure what that is In addition to the average show and shine there is also a hop off and dance competition. Don’t know what that is? Watch this video:
Scrape is also going to have a Freestyle Motorcross show by the Metal Mulisha, skatebaord demos by the SUD skates team, Live DJs and hip hop acts, and a bikini pageant. It’s simply not an event to be missed. If you are not at Eurofest make sure to get out to Scrape By the Lake!
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Stance Is Everything may be at this event