I totally forgot about this set of weekly show and shines as well. I had sometime yesterday before going riding to swing by this show and shine with the point and shoot. There were so many nice cars that I plan on going back next week with the SLR to shoot this event properly and maybe get some photos of the burnout rumored contests.
1923 Star Touring
There were a few of these really old cars at the show, I didn’t take shots of all of them just because I was in a hurry.


The Pantera
Wow, two days ago I unveiled that this car was the header car and now I see one in person for the first time.

Meat Eaters
If you remember from my Canadian Tire show coverage this is what I call cars hiding big meaty tires in their rear quarters.

Low Lows


The weird odd balls

Starsky & Hutch Torino


The over the top