Doing Theme Tuesdays religiously since 2009 means that on occasion I draw a blank when it comes to what to post each week.
When this happens I generally disappear down a rabbit hole of forums and blogs hoping for inspiration to strike.
This time inspiration came from instagram user Tandem Knights who suggested I take a look at his Nissan Gloria.
After doing so I was interested in seeing more of the chassis and well, here were are.
Since I am not extremely familiar with the chassis I’ve extended the theme to include the cars close cousins as well in an effort to avoid mistakes.

Suggestions for next week?
that red gloria was for sale maybe 5 years ago. i forget the specs exactly but i do remember it was for sale in calgary alberta, it was turbo and on bags.
i wonder who owns it now and if its still in canada?
i dont know if you need to be a member to see this post but i found a for sale add from 2008 for that car on
7900 seems fair dont you think? haha
Brian I came across that post after the fact when someone on FB asked some questions about it. Super interested in where it ended up.
Hey Dave, they are some nice rides. Sticking with similar looks if you get stuck again check out Toyota Crowns.
I can send you a few that would suit this site..
the original user “drader” from the f/s add is still a member on dk.
i sent him a pm about the car and linked him here. maybe he could shed some light on the whereabouts of the car.
i have a hard time believing that if its around somewhere that it hasent been all over the internet someplace. if i saw it on the street id take a picture of it. lol
It does seem weird that a car like that would up and vanish. Maybe it’s in a storage locker some place.
That car was incredible, classic case of “I never should have sold it”.
So I sold it to a guy in Calgary, never saw it again, but I heard a rumour that he sold it to a dealership that used it for a display car.