My apologies to some of you for today’s Theme Tuesday as it’s a little random and outside of the box. However I think a large part of my audience visits because the site is a little more general automotive focused than your typical stance blog, and a lot more stance focused than your typical automotive blog.
Or at least that’s the excuse I am using to explain the fact that I go from posting e46s to classics, to IS300s, to today’s topic car Morris Minors without skipping a beat.
These British economy cars first peaked my interest when I noticed that people seemed to love to stuff large displacement American engines (often with blowers) in their small engine bays.
Once I found out about that it was all downhill from there….

Edit: Turns out the above isn’t a Morris (whoops) but its staying anyway

Props to Ollie once again for helping out with a couple I couldn’t find.
Should be back with something more traditional next week… maybe 🙂
As a Morrie 1100 owner – the Minors successor – it’s most champion to see some love for the awesome English beast. And while that first car is way cool, it’s not a Morris. ‘Tis a Hillman Minx 😛
Lol go figure, thanks Donn.
I’m really digging that gray Minor on widened steelies. You’ve just helped to remind me that I have a friend in Israel restoring one of these, thanks Dave.
the first words out my mouth were you sliped up mother $£@! but i dont care i could forgive that paint job of eny (nice call land crab owner guy) thing how every the pea green low light im not responsable for lol the second to last pic the car has been shortened from the front and it has a home made grp flip front
dave@ thanks for making me a contributor 🙂
maybe pre-VII evos next week 😀
second to last is known as the ‘Morrari’, half Morris, half Ferrari.
‘It started out as a works Ferrari 555 Super Squalo F1 car…’